C.F. Stead Dark Burgundy Classic Kudu
My Grant Stone Burgundy Kudu Diesel boots were stiff when I first put them on and I actually thought I’d made a mistake buying them. Obviously I kept them, and it certainly wasn’t a mistake. I really enjoy them and have found them to be a wonderful addition to my arsenal of winter footwear. Like I’ve mentioned with my other boots, some people might cringe with me wearing them through a Minnesota winter, but as I stated before, if you’re going to own boots then you should wear them. These didn’t disappoint and I don’t think snow and ice did anything negative to them; to the contrary they look even better. As I said, they were wonderful for winter, and yes, even a Minnesota winter. Though I don’t think Grant Stone intended this, I found that they kept my feet warm and dry for all of things I did out in the weather. I plowed/shoveled snow in these and did some hiking in them. In fact, today being the last photo submission of this season’s Patina Thunderdome, I was plowing snow before I took the last set of photos. My only regret was that I forgot to take an action photo of me moving snow with them on. As I stated earlier, they were stiff out of the box but they have formed to my feet becoming very comfortable and I love wearing them hiking. They give my ankles support and I feel like my feet are protected in them. I’m actually intending to try them out for summer hikes in a couple Minnesota state parks to see if they can become my new all around hiking shoes. I am now thinking about getting a pair of Grant Stone shoes to wear just knocking around during the spring and summer. I am contemplating doing another double Dome in the fall with another pair of boots or maybe even shoes from Grant Stone.
Taken on April 1, 2023