Horween Crimson Chromexcel
It was October 1, 2022. A cool, autumn day in Minnesota’s urban jungle—the Twin Cities. It was the first day my micro-studded sole hit the pavement. Four weeks later, my buttery chromexcel exterior starts to break in some curves. Wrinkles that is. Weeks roll by and my cork foot bed molds deeply to the shape of my owner’s foot. Snow begins to dampen my welt and my leather midsole. Road salt begins to penetrate the poors of my skin. Little did I know I was about to experience the third snowiest winter in Minnesota history. In December I took a trip to France and visited Paris—my dream city. The cobblestone streets and muddy subway stairs made their mark on me. But it didnt last long. Minnesota called me back. Over the next three months, I saw snow and salt, snow and salt, snow and salt. If only I was waterproof. To my surprise, I stayed dry inside. I softened all the more during my sixth month of wear. It wasn’t too much to bear. But I wish my owner took more care.
Taken on April 6, 2023