C.F. Stead Black Waxy Commander Suede
I think it was somewhere around 2017-2018 that I hand landed a decent job, wanted to update my wardrobe and my journey began. Having never worked in a corporate workspace I wanted to look professional and presentable. I eventually decided, after getting new clothes, I wanted some nice footwear to go with my new look. I did some basic research and got a taste of gyw footwear with a pair of second hand Dayton Service boots in charcoal nubuck. Great boots but poorly fit. But I had a taste and wanted more. Sure enough i found r/goodyearwelt and I knew I found my people. Being fully honest with myself, it was all for vanities sake originally. I was just into finding fun leathers and colors to mix into my wardrobe. Fastforward to end of last year, I wanted to treat myself to a new pair of boots. As luck would have it, not only was my birthday coming up so I planned on getting a pair then, but I had just read a post mentioning "my new thunderdome pair". Not having known much about it almost dismissed it, but my pair came in the day before and figured it could be fun, and I was right! At this point I've owned a halfdozen pair of nice boots and never really THOUGHT much about them. Now enter the grantstone edwards in black waxed flesh. No fancy adventures, didn't log mile or wears. I just wore them, almost everyday. Ideal situation or not, I just wore them. Hated neglecting my other boots but now I'm even more excited to focus on each of them like I did these. Seeing how one boot had more nap come up becuse the asymmetrical heat blowers in my car, really feeling them as they mold to my feet and become MINE with so much character and detail that mostly only matter to me. Feeling like a kid again and having strong sentimental value for something because of the time spent with them is such a great feeling to have again. These boots are worth a thousand words and more to me. Journey Before Destination
Written on April 1, 2023
2022-2023 Open Thunderdome, April submission