Conceria Cloe Crust Horsebutt
*6-Month, End of Dome Weight Loss Results* Start Weight: 245.3 lbs; End Weight: 209.2 lbs; Total Weight Loss: 36.1 lbs And that's a wrap! What a fun and motivating experience this has been as a first time participant in the Patina Thunderdome! I've always struggled with weight loss goals and maintaining the drive to keep it going for anything longer than a month or two. The Patina Thunderdome provided me a unique opportunity of linking my interest in leather products and a desire to lose weight and get healthier overall. Witnessing the patina transformation of my boots was a great incentive for me to keep up with the consistent exercise, and constantly wearing my Dome entry served as a steadfast reminder to eat healthier. There's been moments where I've stared at junk food in a struggle of will power, only to glance down at my boots and find the resolve to walk away. It's been a game changing experience for me, and I'd be thrilled to see the Thunderdome help others in similar fashion. Congratulations to everyone who crossed the finish line! Hopefully I see you all for the 2024 challenge!
Taken on April 5, 2024