Horween Natural Shell Cordovan
Natural Shell Vs. CXL Double Dome! I am a fan of leather and patina, but mostly have constrained that interest to my wallets, watch straps and bags. The 1st patina thunderdome inspired me to purchase some quality boots. I was particularly interested in Horween Tannery and how their natural leathers age over time. At the Viberg Sample Sale, I picked up both CXL Service Boots and Shell Bastion Oxfords. I thought this was a perfect combo and allowed me to have flexibility with both a shoe and a boot. Therefore, I entered both. I wore one of these two everyday. I waked kids to school, walked dog around the block and everything between. I have been pleased how well I can dress up or down both. The service boots saw some action on hikes and all rainy or snowy days. The oxfords accompanied me to business meetings and conferences. For care, I did brush on regular basis, often daily, but definitely missed days. I conditioned only a few times, approximately every two months. The conclusion of my personal battle of natural leathers …. Fit and comfort, I feel the Chromexcel really transformed its shape and naturally molded to my feet with unique color highlights. Visually, I think the Shell cordovan had a dramatic transition and change in color and appearance. In the end, both are winners and frankly so am I. For me, a big part of this process was experiencing these two coveted leathers and documenting their patina transition. I could have tried to do this in my own, but would probably just have had a few random pics hiding somewhere on my phone. So regardless of contest outcome, Thanks! -Aaron (Note as I did a double dome I submitted this same essay for both)
Taken on April 3, 2023