Maryam Black Teacore Horsebutt
I didn’t do much in TD1. Coming out of lock downs I wore my original boots to work and back, never straying outside a 5 mile radius from home. But how times have changed; These boots have done things. Big, fun, crazy, magnificent things, representative of a life well lived. Was it all me that changed, or was it also partly the boots? The boots in question are a pair of black Viberg engineer boots. I know that a plain brown service boot is the go-to in this comp, but there’s just something a bit cool, or maybe even a bit badass about pulling on a pair of heavy, tall, all black engineer boots. They aren’t the sort of boots you wear in a boardroom, they’re the sort you wear in a bar brawl. I pull them on and we become an extension of each other. I’ve worn these boots to concerts and comedy shows. I’ve worn them to fancy dinners in the most expensive restaurants, and to drink beer in a dive. I’ve worn them to big EDM shows in an open field, and to punk rock shows. I wore these boots to see Kendrick and the only other person at that show wearing black engineer boots was Kendrick. They’ve protected me walking through thick bushland at work. They’ve been worn on anniversary dinners with my wife. When I coach my eldest son’s basketball team I do it wearing these boots. When my second son went to the little league final I watched on wearing these boots. I’ve received more compliments on these boots than any other pair of footwear I’ve worn, from the bikies at my gym to the mums at school. The leather is a black Maryam horsehide, which was so thick at first it left bruising on my shins. While the leather has softened it is still very robust. It’s taken over 100 wears to start to see a bit of black fading to reveal those gorgeous coppery tones underneath. They aren’t going to reveal everything in 6 months, it’s going to take years of wear for these boots to peak. but that’s ok with me, I’m looking forward to years more wear. thanks again for the competition
Taken on April 2, 2023