This steel toe pair spent 2 years getting the shit beat out of them by my career working for the local water utility. They just received their first resole, and are now retired from service.
The toe developed a hole and was repaired. As you can see near the toe, Thorogood’s cobbler must have had a few beers before sewing the welt. Despite living on the edge, his sewing job has never presented a problem.
Thorogood’s tobacco leather is so good. Where the leather is worn, it develops a yellow hue with a coating of Leather Honey.
I cut off the heel loops with my knife because the cuff of my work pants were always getting hung up and making me look like a dork.
Use & wear
Physical Work
Outdoor Activities
Wet Conditions
Extreme Conditions
Beating the shit out of them for 2 years at the local water utility.