The Keeper 'Type 2' Engineer Boot
Similar to Benzein The Keeper 'Type 2' Engineer Boot
Batu Last
US Men's Brannock: 10D HTB/9.5 HTT
Batu Last: 27.5D
no modification, just made to order
The fit is very comfortable, the size fits my feet
This is one of the boots models that I like
This is like the previous type 2 Engineer boots from Briselblack, but there is a change in the toe which looks rounded. and I really like it, I'm sure this year it will be booming
The brand owner is very friendly and fast response, so it was very easy for me to order this pair of boots
In Indonesia the weather is very extreme, sometimes the sun is very hot then a few moments later heavy rain, I work as a delivery person riding a motorbike
The faded indigo jeans add color contrast to the curve of the upper part, the faint pattern of the upper part is increasingly visible, it looks like a leopard motif.
for 3 months, this leather has become very comfortable, although thick but not stiff, overall this is already breaking
Engineer boots with BATU last are the best for my taste and feet shape
I chose the full one because the middle part is often hit by the motorbike footrest, this is safer than the half one
no reason woodsman for engineer boots, this is the best, just think of me riding a horse while on a motorbike
In Indonesia the weather is very extreme, sometimes the sun is very hot then a few moments later heavy rain, so that the leather does not dry out I did a little polish with leather conditioner at the end of last December. The faded indigo jeans add color contrast to the curve of the upper part, the faint pattern of the upper part is increasingly visible, it's like a leopard motif. when I and everyone else enjoy the New Year holiday, these boots continue to work accompanying me.