I didn't wear these as often as some other contestants, originally double doming but I dropped the other pair out after month 2. I stuck to 4-5 days a week for these. I probably should have been in the open dome instead of the work dome since I ride a desk more than anything. They saw a few oil changes, a few trips to the Arctic Ocean, a bathroom remodel, daily snow with road salt, and countless office chair heel strikes.
As soon as Nicks shared their Free Range boots I knew I wanted a pair. The W&C burgundy is a beautiful, thick leather full of oils with excellent color depth and light scarring akin to kudu. Care consisted of brushing almost daily, and a touch of Bick 4 in month 5. I have never owned a leather that bounces back so quickly with a little brushing.
I went with the wedge since I had not tried the Vibram 2021 yet. Overall I like it but it's a little thicker than I prefer aesthetically. On a resole, I think I'll go to a thinner black wedge.
The biggest takeaway from my first dome: I have too many boots. I really missed changing up the rotation, but no one NEEDS a large collection. Happy Dompletion to everyone that made it!