Prof Barnets
Labrador Last
Labrador Last: 46.5E
Prof Barnets
I live in the Canadian Rockies and work at a coal mine. I needed something that was capable of withstanding the winter weather and had good traction in the snow. The black upper would also resists staining from the coal that is omnipresent at work. I have also been quite interested in getting a pair of monkey boots for quite some time.
I sent my foot measurements to Prof Barnets and they took care of the rest. No modifications were made to the last as far as I know. My boots came in at the upper end of the available size range so there was not a tonne of room at the toes but the fit has been quite good overall
The order process was very straightforward for an MTO pair. I messaged them which model and details I wanted and my payment was quite straightforward. The actual wait was longer than predicted at first and I had to pay more for international shipping before they were sent but they arrived in great shape.
I was not initially planning to take part in the dome this year. When these boots showed up at the start of October I figured what the hell. At the end of it all I am left with an incredibly comfortable pair of boots that has set the bar for break-in for me. I wore this pair to the office at the coal mine every day from the start of the Dome til the end, working one week on and one week off. On my days off I used them for chores around the house like clearing snow, walking the dog, going to the ski hill, all in winter conditions like extreme cold and salty ice puddles. I slid across ice in these boots and tromped through snow drifts. Throughout it all my feet stayed well protected and warm. I covered them in coal laced mud traveling to the mine and wore them to every meeting and occasion at work over the course of 6 months, including a promotion. I may not have put as much wear on them as some of my fellow Domers but I am happy to have a pair of boots that I will love to wear for years going forward.
The break in of this leather was fairly easy overall. The leather has become very supple over the 6 months. I cleaned them every few months either with cobblers choice leather cleaner or saddle soap to clean out the coal residue and salt walking around town. The leather itself has held up very well. Regular use has abraded the toes and heel more than other areas and caused the rough out leather to get more nappy while the rest of the boots have remained fairly smooth
These boots are probably the most comfortable boots I own now. I initially got some blisters on my heels as they broke in but by month 2 the boots became quite comfortable. The only downside is the almond shape of the last crowds my toes together more than I'd like. I feel like more length on the boot might solve this but that can be tough to find since I am a 14 D/E brannock. The 8" shaft height makes for fantastic ankle support, especially with the laces wrapped around the ankle. The arch support is just right and the heel pad in the boot actually makes it quite a bit softer to walk in, which I liked more than I thought I would.
The stitching on the boots is certainly not flawless. However, for the price I paid for them I am perfectly happy. They have held up very well through some pretty terrible winter conditions and probably less cleaning than they deserved. The soles have been rugged and show minimal wear. The only thing that shows significant wear is the edge finish which I honestly quite like the look of.
The soles have been perfect for traction in the snow. When the trails really froze over I had to supplement them with ice spikes as rubber can only get you so far. The walking comfort of the boots has been great. The leather insole and midsole really help keep the hardness of the rubber soles from translating through to me.
A true MTO pair at a reasonable cost. The lead time was long but in the end it was definitely worth it. I very much enjoyed doming my Prof Barnets and look forward to continuing to wear them over the years to come.